Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Amazing weekend in Rosario

Its bank holiday here so everyone has monday and tuesday off aswel, so we headed 3hours out of Buenos Aires to the beautiful suburbs of Rosario, a weekend spent, dancing argentinian styley, eating argentinian food, and staying with the cutest little argentinian family ever,

Group Photo to finish off the weekend, had so much fun, met some amazing people

                                   This is a really famous monument in Rosario, its to do with the making of the flag and how it represnts the sky,clouds and sun, embassy's from all over come here and they have big fiestas here in the summer, from a birds eye view it looks like a ship!
                                     After an amazing weekend, the lovely roadtrip home at sunset
                                     'Mate' the argentines are wild for it, constantly drinking it, its like green tea but better, metal straw to keep it hot when your drinking and a sift at the bottom of the straw to stop the leaves coming up, pour hot water into a cup full of mate leaves and drink, when your done, pass it along and the next person pours some more hot water and there you go, only add more leaves as you need to, and everyone seems to be ok with sharing it!
The girl whos house we were at most of the weeekend had a pool, and a huge bbq house, where suprisingly it was all the boys who cooked, apparently thats the done thing HELLO ARGENTINA

These are called 'chipas' they are cooked on the bbq and its typical argentina nibble food before maan course, its like dough with with cheese inside...divine!Also 60% of argentines originate from italy so their pizza and ice creams are amazing!! i got a feeling im not gonna be getting skinny after 2 months haha :)

Last but not least our argentinian mami y papa, they didnt speak a word of english  so now my brain hurts from thinking in spanish all weekend, the only way i can describe the place where they lived is check out rihanna-man down music video and when shes walking and old people are playing cards in the street, and selling fruit and its all kind of run down but still pretty...well thats it <3.


  1. Hi I was wondering what that tea was till I read the description the food looks nice as before lovley weather for swimming, sunsets , and open cooking fires
    Cory xx

  2. looks really lovely! can't wait for you to bring all the cooking ideas home , we can have some Argentina nights :)

  3. Looks like your really cramming it all in! Think your going to have to get a few laps done in the pool if your going to keep eating like that! Keep up the blogging it's really good. Zoe

  4. aw zo the food is amazin, so much for getting tanned and skinny out here!!! we are doing a lot of walking though, hope we should be fine....hopefully
