Thursday, 1 March 2012

Two weeks in :)

Alana is still alana regardless of where she is, still loves her cuppa teas and chocolate

view from our old apartment at night

Plaza Cerrano....Palermo Soho our new neighbourhood, Argentinas version of camden/portobello road but withouy the drugs and scary people, its magical. I love it here <3

Sunday Afternoons...spent market shopping and then drinks on the roof top terrace

This shows i deserved an icecream!!!!

America has the white house..Buenos Aires has the pink house


I have never seen so many dogs in one city, they love their dogs out here, watching dog walkers in the park is hilarious,

The two girls who hate beer now drink Argentinian Beer!! (only one glass mum!!)


  1. Hope you managed to find your feet again specially if your planning to do more salsa,!! Looks like your certainly soakin up the culture no mention of being homesick girls. Zoe

  2. if they could cry, my feet would be sobbing, recovered in time for salsa ofcourse, yesss we jumped right into it, nope not homesick one bit but i suppose its early days yet

  3. yes early days yet! oh yr poor feet...i hope they will be better by the time you come home ...because they are going to have rope tied around them to make sure you don't go any where else!!! Abby cant believe you are drinking beer!!! only one but look at the size of it!
    love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. mum you should be proud! you always dont get why i dont like beer, yes but im a proper argentine now, gotta fit in with the locals
    love you

  5. Hi Abby
    hope you are both well and having a ball. If your feet get any bigger you will be able to ski barefoot next year!!
    Glad you've finaly proved you're a bloke and started drinking Beer....
    take care Ant, Les & Sam

  6. Yay for beer! Your feet look sore dude, I hope they are better, beer drinking makes them better anyway!! Keep up with the dancing, I'm looking forward to some lessons!
    And just so as you don't miss my sailing stories, I did my 2nd race today and it was mighty windy! And scary I might add, was up to my knees in the Bristol channel cos the boat was over so much!! I've said I'm not going again, no one believes me! Lol!
    Glad you're having such an amazing time, keep the pics and stories coming!! Xx
