Saturday, 10 March 2012

Soaked right through...welcome to the tropical climate!

13 mosquito bites and counting, gilda (our flatmate who looks like shakira) has no air con so the windows have to be open and they seem to love the anti mosquito spray! grrrrrrr even the net didnt work

when it rains...oh it rains

first demo :)

Flights have been booked for Uruguay and Brazil!!!!
 yeahhhhh baby, we're thinking of getting this photo on a t shirt for a team t shirt  :)

picnic in the park....3 amigos <3


  1. I bet your itching all over I hate misqitouse, the rain reminds me of when we went on holiday to Spain and we stayed in the villa

    1. Ha yeah remember that
      honestly their a pain, i think they like the repellant ive been spraying
