Thursday, 15 March 2012


So we took the bus 18hours north of Buenos Aires to Iguazu, where the famous Iguazu Falls are :)
The bus trip wasnt as bad as you imagine, the chairs recline and they feed you so thats all good, first hostel experience aswel, very cool and chilled, hammocks in the garden, everyone super chilled and friendly, its also where all the red indians and gaucho's (cowboys) live so they have all their little stores on the side of the road, very cool.

The falls are amazing, even the photos dont do them justice, so beautiful, also went on the boat trip where you go real close and we got soaked...well worth the 36hours round trip though...feels good to be back

This is where they get their steaks from :)

on the boat just before going under the much fun...

after the boat ride!!!

afternoon siesta at the hostel

Ok so the last two photos i took from the bus so their not very clear, these are called "villas" directly translated to villages, they are unclaimed land inbetween the rail way tracks that people have now made into south americans version of shanty towns, its where all the pick pockets leave, lots of drugs there, not very nice people, as a tourist you would try not to go anywhere near here, its right behind the bus station so as you walk to the bus station you can see it from a far so thats why you have to be careful around that area (we went there to book our tickets with the guys mum dont worry) but we had our hands on our bags all the time and would only speak spanish to each other just to try and help us out about. ive showed you the beautiful side of argentina its only fair i show you the other side

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Soaked right through...welcome to the tropical climate!

13 mosquito bites and counting, gilda (our flatmate who looks like shakira) has no air con so the windows have to be open and they seem to love the anti mosquito spray! grrrrrrr even the net didnt work

when it rains...oh it rains

first demo :)

Flights have been booked for Uruguay and Brazil!!!!
 yeahhhhh baby, we're thinking of getting this photo on a t shirt for a team t shirt  :)

picnic in the park....3 amigos <3

Monday, 5 March 2012

Buenos Aires Fahion Week, Lazy day in the park and the Zone Visit

Buenos Aires Fahion Week!!

all the chicas as fashion week

The runway

Walking through the old part of the city and walked straight into a street performance

chill out day at the flower park, the park opens and closes with sunlight

slightly addicted to mate now

Zone visit..had to get up at half 5...face pain!

La Plate stadium, holds 70,000

One of my favourite places in the whole city, used to be a theatre now its a library and a book store, its amazing, people just sit and read in the boxes, argentines do love their books

All dressed up for fashion week

Recoleta Cemetry where Evita is buried

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Two weeks in :)

Alana is still alana regardless of where she is, still loves her cuppa teas and chocolate

view from our old apartment at night

Plaza Cerrano....Palermo Soho our new neighbourhood, Argentinas version of camden/portobello road but withouy the drugs and scary people, its magical. I love it here <3

Sunday Afternoons...spent market shopping and then drinks on the roof top terrace

This shows i deserved an icecream!!!!

America has the white house..Buenos Aires has the pink house


I have never seen so many dogs in one city, they love their dogs out here, watching dog walkers in the park is hilarious,

The two girls who hate beer now drink Argentinian Beer!! (only one glass mum!!)